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British Airways to Restore Flights in Georgia

In accordance with the agreement between the governments of Georgia and the Great Britain, British Mediterranean Airways, which is a franchise partner to British Airways, may restore flights between Tbilisi and London.

“We have the right to submit relevant documents to the Civil Aviation Department within 14 days concerning restoration of air flights,” the British company’s Tbilisi office spokesperson Tamar Shanidze told Civil Georgia today.

Chairman of the Civil Aviation Department Zurab Chankotadze told Civil Georgia the flights might be restored if the British company concludes a commercial contract with the Georgian flagship company Airzena.

The Georgian company is ready to launch talks with the British Mediterranean Airways on conducting two flights by each company per week.

The Georgian authorities canceled the flight license to the British Mediterranean Airways and the Turkish Airlines from April 15, explaining decision with unpaid taxes, inadequate legal basis and unsolved disputes with the Georgian flagship company Airzena.

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