ISFED Intends Large-Scale Observation of Elections
The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) presented today plan of observation campaign for November 2 parliamentary elections.
ISFED takes the new initiative and launches a recruitment of volunteers to observe the elections.
“The volunteers’ campaign aims to hold fair elections in the country. We offer the volunteers to observe the course of elections and protect their own votes. For this purpose each citizen willing to observe the elections, should contact us and we will distribute them among polling stations,” head of ISFED Zurab Chiaberashvili told Civil Georgia.
According to him, over 3000 volunteers will take part in the observation. Up to 1500 citizens have already expressed readiness for participation. Volunteers will undergo training.
A group of volunteers, along with the representatives of ISFED, will also participate in a parallel vote counting.
Chiaberashvili said the upcoming elections will differ from previous ones, since the non-governmental organizations will jointly monitor the course of elections and have a duly reaction on violations.