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Parliament Condemned Bombardment of Georgian Territory

(Tbilisi, August 27 2002, Civil Georgia) After three-day heated discussions Parliament of Georgia issued a statement where the bombardment of Georgian territory on 23 of August is condemned.

On 26 of August a few issues and texts of declarations were discussed on the Parliamentary Bureau: withdrawal of Russian peacekeeping forces from Georgia, leaving CIS, recall of the ambassador of Georgia to Russia and the annulations of contract with “Itera”, according to which gas grid of Tbilisi and Rustavi chemical factory “Azoti” (Nitrogen) were handed to it.

MPs’ views split at the Bureau. Later, few factions, including “Revival” and “Socialists” left the extraordinary session of the Parliament.

According to Jemal Gogitidze, one of the leaders of the “Revival”, bombardment of Georgian territory is the result of incapableness of the president, ministers of law enforcement agencies and MFA. Thus, they should take responsibility.

“Shevardnadze maintains his authority by giving up the territories”, stated Gogitidze.

Late in the evening Parliament adopted the statement, where actions of Russia towards Georgia are condemned. MPs also voted for the leaving of CIS. Majority of Parliamentarians supported this proposal.

“We should leave the organization that does not care whether our territory is bombed or not”, stated Giorgi Baramidze.


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