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NATO Military Exercises Over in Camp Vaziani

(Tbilisi, June 28, Civil Georgia) – Exercises Cooperative Best Effort 2002 held in the frames of NATO/Partnership for Peace Program were closed today. The Exercises took place at Camp Vaziani On June 17-28 and were based on peace support operation scenario.

The exercise was devised into three phases. Imitation of actual peacekeeping operation – patrolling and establishing checkpoint was the final phase of the exercises.

The aim of the exercise was improving and exchanging national and multinational leadership and light infantry skills in Peace Support Operations.

As Commander of Joint Command Southeast General Ataman stated at the closing ceremony, the exercise was of a great importance since soldiers of different nations got to work together and exchange the experience.

Squads of 15 NATO member and partner nations participated in the exercises, which contributed to 3 multinational companies. Georgian lieutenant Gia Kazalikashvili led one of them.

Staff Leadership Training in the frames of NATO will be held at Camp Vaziani in the nearest future, lieutenant Gia Kazalikashvili told the Civil Georgia today. 

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Cooperative Best Effort 2002 Opens in Georgia
Vaziani Military Base Opens with Turkish Assistance


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