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Well-Trained Unit Kidnapped Shaw – Security Minister Says

(Tbilisi, June 27, Civil Georgia) – “Only the well-trained special unit could committed crime like this [abduction of Peter Shaw],” Georgian State Security Minister Valeri Khaburdzania told the reporters on June 26.

Khaburdzania did not ruled out that the abduction could be organized by the official, working in the law enforcement agencies.

Koba Narchemashvili, Georgian Interior Minister told the reporters that the police have enough information at the moment to investigate the case.

On June 26 law enforcers launched operation in one of the suburbs of Georgian capital. Earlier the car of abducted British citizen was found there. The police suppose that the kidnappers might be hiding in this district of Tbilisi.

Seven criminals in the uniforms of the police abducted co-director of the Agro-Business Bank Peter Shaw in Tbilisi on June 18.

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