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Parties Demanding Delaying Locals Meet CEC

(Tbilisi, June 1, Civil Georgia) – Representatives of the leading parties, which demand delaying local elections for several days, meet Central Election Commissions (CEC) members.

They presented the facts of falsifications in the election lists. Based of these falsifications the Christian-Conservative Party – Zhvania’s Team, Saakashvili’s National Movement, Traditionalists, Industrialists, Socialists, Peoples Party, Labor Party, Ertoba, Tanadgoma demand postponing of the elections for couple of days.

In the election districts in Tbilisi up to 22 thousand voters are not included in the election lists. The political groups demand to delay elections or to improve upon the mistakes.

CEC is to present its position regarding the parties’ demand at the meeting.

Locals are scheduled for June 2.

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