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Parliament Sessions Weekly Review. February 12-15, 2002


On February 12 spring session of Parliament was officially opened.

1. Draft project on “changes and amendments to the bill on “Budget System and budget authority”

It was voted by simplified rule.

For – 91 
Against – 6

Draft projects connected to draft project on ” state Budget 2002 of Georgia”:

2. Draft project on “changes and amendments to Georgian law on “public service”

It was voted by simplified rule.

For – 103 
Against – 4

3. Draft project on “changes to “Georgia state awards”

It was voted by simplified rule.

For – 104 
Against – 4

4.Draft project on “changes to the bill on “MP live and health compulsory insurance and pension guarantying”

It was voted by simplified rule.

For – 113 
Against – 0 

5. Draft project on “changes to Georgian law on “Education”

The bill caused disagreement between factions “CUG”, “Movement for democratic reforms”, “Traditionalist” and Finance ministry. Committee on Education, Science, Culture and Sport shared government position.

Changes refer to postponement of enlargement of salaries to high mountain region teachers by 50-70% for 2003 year.  Chairman of Education subcommittee Vasil Maglaperidze opposed the bill more than others. According to him the bill postpones 70% enlargement to next year and government promises only 30% growth to teachers this year.

Zurab Nogaideli declared that 70% rise of salaries isn’t taken to account in Budget 2002.  

Finally, the issue was postponed to next session week.

6. Draft project on “changes to Georgian law on “Health protection”

It was voted by simplified rule.

For – 103 
Against – 2 

7. Draft project on “changes and amendments to “Labor Code”

It was voted by simplified rule.

For – 96 
Against – 2 

8. Draft project on “changes and amendments to Georgian law on “local taxes”

It was voted by simplified rule.

For – 101 
Against – 1

9. Draft project on “changes to Georgian law on “veterans of war and military forces”

It was voted by simplified rule.

For – 101
Against – 5

10. Draft project on “changes to Georgian election code”

The chairman of committee on Legal Issues, the Legitimacy and Administrative Reforms Zurab Adeishvili represented draft project.

Changes refer to changing before term abolished authority “Sakrebulo” member by following candidate in party list consenting in 10 days.

It was voted by rushed rule.

For – 138 
Against -0  /I hearing/
For – 136 
Against – 0  /II hearing/
For – 137 
Against – 0  /III hearing/ 

11. Draft project on “changes and amendments to Georgian organic law on “Constitutional Court”

Parliament secretary of President Mariam Tsatsanashvili represented the bill.

Changes refer to action discussion terms (6 months); parliament, Ajara and Abkhazia Autonomy Republic normative acts become discussing subjects of Constitutional Court; issues connected to elections and referendum, etc.

It was voted by rushed rule.

For – 121 
Against -0  /I hearing/
For – 125 
Against – 0  /II hearing/
For – 128 
Against – 0  /III hearing/ 

The chairman of constitutional Court Joni Khetsuriani didn’t share Legal Issues, the Legitimacy and Administrative Reforms committee suggestion – political party to become subject of Constitutional Court as juridical person. Committee decided to vote for this issue as alternative sentence.

For – 125 
Against – 0 

12. Draft project on “changes to Georgian election code” /connected to draft project on “changes and amendments to Georgian organic law on “Constitutional Court”/

It was voted by rushed rule.

For – 123 
Against -0  /I hearing/
For – 124 
Against – 1  /II hearing/
For – 133 
Against – 0  /III hearing/ 

13. Draft project on “changes and amendments to Georgian law on “Constitutional law-proceedings” /connected to draft project on “changes and amendments to Georgian organic law on “Constitutional Court”/

It was voted by simplified rule.

For – 129 
Against – 0 

14. Draft project on “changes and amendments to Georgian law on “impeachment”

Legal Issues, the Legitimacy and Administrative Reforms committee member Zakaria Kutsnashvili represented the bill.
Changes give MP right to begin impeachment procedures without Parliament Chairman signature.

 It was discussed by I hearing.

For – 122 
Against – 2


1. Resolution decree on “abolishment authority to MP Davit Magradze before term”

The chairman of committee on Procedures and Rules Rostom Dolidze represented resolution decree.
For – 124 
Against – 4

2. Resolution decree on “limiting representations of factions in parliament committees”

The chairman of committee on Procedures and Rules Rostom Dolidze represented resolution decree.
For – 115 
Against – 10

3. Draft project on “changes to civil code of Georgia”

The deputy of Agriculture minister Davit Shervashidze represented the bill.

It was voted by simplified rule.

For – 118 
Against -0

4. Draft project on “amendments to “executive production”

State Property  Management minister Suliko Pavliashvili represented the bill.

It was discussed by I hearing.

For – 125 
Against – 0 

5. Draft project on “changes and amendments to “Bankrupt issues production” bill” / connected to draft project on “amendments to “executive production”bill/

It was voted by simplified rule.

For – 115 
Against – 0

6. Ratification of changes to credit agreement (Health credit) between Georgia and International Development  Association

For – 127 
Against – 1


1. Draft project on “changes and amendments to Tax Code to Georgia”

The member of “Industry” faction Davit Salaridze represented the bill.

After two-year waiting “Industry” reached the aim and government and parliament committees shared their project. “Industry” compromised some paragraphs of the project hoping state commission to take them into account while discussing complex changes to Tax code. Such changes are planned in three months.

Changes refer to income tax (rising till 25%), VAT (reducing till 15%), social tax (reducing till 17%) regulation and activities towards improvement of administration.

It was voted by I hearing.
For – 115 
Against – 1

2. Draft project on “changes and amendments to “custom tariff and tax” bill”

The member of “Industry” faction Davit Salaridze represented the bill.

Changes refer to establishment differentiation of custom tariff.  The bases for changes become the definition of custom tariff in World Trade Organization parameters.

It was voted by I hearing.

For – 109 
Against – 1 


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