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Georgian Press Blames Russia in Terrorism

The Dilis Gazeti

An article named “Aggressive Separatism and Terrorism – Two Sides of One Medal” was published in the Dilis Gazeti today. The article is about the first war in Abkhazia and terror occurred there. The author assumes that aggressive Abkhaz separatists were just marionettes. Conflict and terror in Abkhazia was inspired by Russia, he says. “Participation of hired guerrillas and regular Russian military forces was an arm of terror, which actually determined faith of the war”, the author states.

For eight years already the UN Security Council and other international organizations have been mentally supporting and whishing good to Georgia while over than 300 thousand internally displaced persons desperately wait for the opportunity to return to their native land, the author says. He thinks that “facts of terror in Abkhazia, when Georgian population was forced to leave the territory and ethnic cleansing and genocide occurred, have not been assessed sufficiently”.

The author talks about the methods Abkhaz separatists and forces assisting them used. The were: 1. Massive bombarding through air and land using military technique of a foreign country. 2. Hate, disgust, unbelievable cruelty towards peaceful population, betrayal, malice, and massive murder acts. 3. Perfidy, violation of agreements.

There are several examples of separatist Abkhazians and Russia violating the agreements during the war, which actually led to Georgia losing Abkhazia.

“Aggressive separatism and its means terrorism killed 12 thousand local inhabitants”, the author says. He presumes that forces fighting against world terrorism should do as much as possible in order to put down all the hot spots in the world Abkhazia among them, for such uncontrolled territories usually become a shelter for terrorism.

Kodori gorge was bombed again yesterday. The Dilis Gazeti considers that “if it was Russian aviation having bombed the territory then it can be definitely said that one week partisan movement on Abkhazian territory was a well intended and planned provocation. And irony of Russian President towards Georgia is just as big as Russia itself”. 

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