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Patarkatsishvili had ‘Heart Disease’

Badri Patarkatsishvili had severe heart disease and could have died at any time, according to a doctor’s report presented on February 15 at the opening of the inquest into his death, BBC, The Associated Press and AFP reported.

The inquest heard that a post-mortem discovered “significant natural disease,” identified as coronary heart disease.
“This was of a severity that could have resulted in a sudden and unexplained collapse and death at any time,” pathologist Ashley Fegan-Earl, who carried out a post-mortem examination, told the inquest. He also said he had found “significant” coronary heart disease.

A coroner opened an inquest into the death of Patarkatsishvili, who collapsed at his home near London on Tuesday.

The inquest, at the coroner’s court, into Patarkatsishvili’s death will now wait for the results of extensive toxicology testing, which, according to the police, could take weeks to complete.

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