Shevardnadze Against Russian Peacekeepers’ Withdrawal
(Tbilisi, January 28, Civil Georgia) – President Shevardnadze stated today at the traditional Monday briefing that at this stage it would not be right to make a decision to withdraw Russian peacekeeping forces from Georgian-Abkhazian conflict zone.
Eduard Shevardnadze supports the idea of Russian peacekeepers relocation deeper into the Abkhazia at river Ghalidzga. He hopes the CIS summit planned on March 1 in Alma-Ata will agree on such change of the peacekeepers’ mandate.
The displaced persons form Abkhazia plan protests in every region of Georgia demanding the withdrawal of Russian peacekeeping forces from the conflict zone on January 29.
The protest is being held at Enguri bridge, linking breakaway Abkhazia with the rest of the Georgia, at the moment.