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Georgian President Visits Slovenia

Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar, who met Georgian President Giorgi Margvelashvili in Ljubljana on July 19, reiterated his country’s support to Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic integration.

President Margvelashvili visits Slovenia on July 18-19 – the first official visit to the country by a Georgian president.

Slovenian PM’s office said that bilateral relations, which are “excellent”, were discussed during which the need for further deepening of ties, especially in economy, was noted.

“Slovenia has always been an active supporter of Georgia in respect of our strategic issues – territorial integrity, European and Euro-Atlantic integration,” President Margvelashvili said. “But there are many other areas where we can further intensify our cooperation.”

During the visit the Georgian President also met his Slovenian counterpart Borut Pahor, speaker of Parliament Milan Brglez, and Infrastructure Minister Peter Gašperšič on July 18.
Bilateral agreements on economic cooperation and visa liberalisation for holders of service passports were also signed during the Georgian delegation’s visit to Slovenia.


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