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Swedish FM to Visit Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine

Foreign Minister of Sweden, Carl Bildt, will visit Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine on June 29-July 1, according to the Swedish Foreign Ministry.

Visit will follow signature of the Association Agreements, including deep and comprehensive free trade area, between the EU and these three countries in Brussels on June 27.

Bildt, who will hold talks in Tbilisi on June 30, said that after start of provisional application of the Association Agreement, “new possibilities” will open up for Georgia.

“It opens up possibilities that wise policies pursued by Georgia can utilize and anchor Georgia even more firmly in the structures of the European integration and cooperation,” Bildt said.

“Sweden has been one of the countries trying to drive this particular process,” he added.
Foreign ministers of Sweden and Poland, Carl Bildt and Radosław Sikorski, respectively, were behind initiating EU’s Eastern Partnership program, which was launched in 2009.

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