EUR 60m Additional EU Funding for Georgia, Moldova
The European Commission said on May 6 that it has allocated additional funding for Georgia and Moldova in an amount of EUR 30 million for each to help them “seize benefits and opportunities” of the Association Agreement which the two countries plan to sign with the EU in June.
It said that the funding to Georgia is focused on “modernisation of public institutions linked to the implementation of the Association Agreement, competitiveness of rural business and trade opportunities with the EU and protection of the rights of minorities and vulnerable groups.”
“Georgia and the Republic of Moldova are genuinely committed to a major shift in their relations with the European Union, based on shared fundamental values,” Štefan Füle, Commissioner for European Neighbourhood Policy, said. “The Association Agreements will make that shift possible, and will open the possibility of stronger trade ties with the European market. And our assistance will continue to accompany this process.”
This funding was made available under ‘more for more’ mechanism, which provides additional funds, on top of already committed, to those Eastern Partnership countries which make more progress in reforms.