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Opposition Coalition Member Confirms Boycott of Parliament

Konstantine Gamsakhurdia, leader of Party of Freedom – part of the opposition coalition – said he was committed to the coalition’s decision to boycott the new parliament.

He also said that he would renounce his MP mandate and signed a relevant appeal to the parliamentary chairman requesting the annulment of his lawmaker’s mandate in the presence of journalists.

“The elections were totally rigged and this Parliament can not be considered as legitimate… and I am not going to enter this Parliament,” Gamsakhurdia said.

This is the first time Gamsakhurdia has made his position on the boycott clear.

Earlier this month he said in a newspaper interview that although he agreed with the boycott of the new parliament, “I will myself decide when to annul my MP mandate." Since then Gamsakhurdia had not made his position clear, prompting speculation that he would quit the opposition coalition and take his seat in Parliament.

Meanwhile, Jondi Bagaturia, leader of Georgian Troupe party – part of the coalition – reiterated on June 12 that he would reveal his final position on the matter only after other leaders of the coalition had made an official written request to renounce their MP mandates.

Opposition coalition leaders announced earlier that they would do so on June 13.

Kakha Kukava of the Conservative Party – part of the coalition – said on June 12 that Bagaturia was in favor of entering Parliament.


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