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Opposition Rally Disperses

Opposition leaders told a few hundred supporters gathered outside the parliament to disperse and added they would begin discussions on how best to procede.

Before the rally dispersed some leaders from the eight-party opposition coalition and Labor Party reiterated that they would not enter the newly elected legislative body.

In a symbolic gesture to confirm their commitment, opposition leaders, including Levan Gachechiladze, Davit Gamkrelidze, Koba Davitashvili, Shalva Natelashvili and others cut up their MP IDs with scissors.

“Our goal is to leave the ruling party alone in this illegal parliament,” Davit Gamkrelidze, the leader of the New Rights Party, part of the eight-party coalition, told the rally. “Shame on those parties and politicians who enter this parliament.”

He also said that Georgia had no “legitimate president” following the January 5 presidential elections and now had no “legitimate parliament.”

“Today will mark the launch of our new struggle which will be won not only with the dissolution of this parliament, but with the resignation of Saakashvili,” Shalva Natelashvili, the Labor Party leader, told the rally.

The Christian-Democratic Party, although it did not attend the inaugural session of Parliament, has made it clear that it was against the boycott of Parliament.

Some individual members of the eight-party opposition coalition (Gia Tortladze and Gia Tsagareishvili) have also indicated that they may take their seats if there is no unanimous opposition position on the boycott. Jondi Bagaturia, leader of Georgian Troupe party, also part of the eight-party coalition, also seems undecided.

The first session of the parliament was attended by one lawmaker, Ramaz Tedoradze, who was elected on a Labor Party ticket. He has subsequently been expelled from the party. Two majoritarian lawmakers, elected as Republicans in single-mandate constituencies, have also taken their seats. The Republican Party has condemned the move, but said it was unable to influence their decision as they were not party members.

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