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New Parliamentary Faction Formed

A new parliamentary faction mainly uniting parliamentarians from the Industrialist party was officially set up on February 10.

The Industrialists formed a separate faction after they left a coalition with the opposition New Rights party. Both the Industrialists and the New Rights were previously united in the Rightist Opposition faction.

“We [the Industrialists] have always been in the opposition, we are, and we will be, in the opposition,” MP Zurab Tkemaladze, the leader of Industrialist party, said a news conference on February 10.

MP Tkemaladze was responding to allegations voiced by several parliamentarians from the New Rights party that this new faction was inspired by the ruling National Movement party and aims at disintegration of the opposition in the Parliament.

Ten parliamentarians are united in the new faction – seven from the Industrialist party and three other non-partisan parliamentarians, who previously were members of the Majoritarian faction.

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