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Parliament Rejects Plebiscite over Adjarian Autonomy

Parliament approved with 152 votes to 1 on May 7 a statement welcoming peaceful end to Adjara crisis and rejecting holding of plebiscite in Adjara over cancellation of the region’s autonomous status.

Holding of the plebiscite was proposed by non-partisan opposition MP Koba Davitashvili and supported by the Rightist Opposition parliamentary faction.
Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania said, while addressing the parliamentary session that draft of a special constitutional law will be submitted to the Parliament for consideration, which will cancel the two-chamber Parliament of Adjara.

According to the draft the Adjarian Supreme Council will elect the Head of the Autonomy proposed by the President.    

Moreover, under the draft, the Adjarian law-enforcement agencies will subordinate to the central authorities.

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