Abashidze Says Explosion of Bridges was a Self-Defense
In an interview to the Russian news agency Itar-Tass defiant leader of the Adjarian Autonomy Aslan Abashidze said that the explosion of two key bridges, linking troubled Autonomy with the rest of Georgia was a self-defense.
“We have information, that several unites of Georgian armed forces, which were participating in maneuvers in Poti [30 km away from Adjara], have set up their tents only 1 km away from the administrative border,” Abashidze said.
Interior Minister of Adjarian Autonomy Jemal Gogitidze also said that explosion of bridges aimed at preventing troops to attack Adjara.
Georgian Defense Ministry wrapped up its major military exercises in Poti, some 30 km away from Adjarian Autonomy on May 2. Georgian elite troops, air forces and heavy armor, as well as navy forces participated in the three-day long maneuvers, which is attended on May 2 by President Saakashvili.
Georgian Defense Minister Gela Bezhuashvili denied any plans of incursion in the troubled region, whoever added that some units of the Georgian armed forces would remain in Poti after the maneuvers.