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Tbilisi Sets Conditions to Normalize Relations with Batumi

Speaking in live broadcast of Tbilisi-based Imedi television Georgia’s Prime Minister listed conditions which should be fulfilled in order to improve relations between the central authorities and the leadership of Adjara Autonomous Republic.

“Adjarian authorities should let us carry out election campaigning in the region; assaults on the opposition activists and journalists should be curbed; the central government should be given rights to freely carry out its duties in Adjara. This does not mean that the rights of the Autonomous Republic will be infringed,” Zurab Zhvania, the Prime Minister said.

He also said that President Saakashvili told these conditions to Adjarian leader Aslan Abashidze during the phone conversation, which was held on March 14.

President Saakashvili was barred from entering Adjara in the morning on March 14, which led to extreme tensions between Tbilisi and Batumi.

At the moment President Saakashvili, together with Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania and other members of the government are in the town of Poti, which is near the Adjara Autonomous Republic. An emergency meeting of the cabinet is scheduled for March 15 to discuss recent developments.

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