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Special Operation Held to Release Georgian Peacekeeper

(Tbilisi, Civil Georgia, August 21, 2002) – Georgian, Russian and South Ossetian peacekeeping units located in Georgian-Ossetian conflict zone started a special operation in Ksani Gorge, central Georgia, early morning today aiming to release Zurab Durglishvili, Georgian officer, kidnapped by Tskhinvali, South Ossetia, on August 15.

Vice-Col. Zurab Durglishvili was kidnapped by four unidentified men. According to Georgian TV Company Rustavi 2, the kidnappers called to Russian peacekeepers headquarters later on and asked for ransom.  

Head of the Peacekeeping Forces’ Georgian Division Col. Mikheil Kebadze states that the operation began on the bases of preliminary information claiming that Durglishvili is supposedly detained in Ksani gorge.

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