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Budgetary Crisis Commission does not Criticize the Finance Ministry Any More

(Tbilisi. November 27. Civil Georgia) – The final version of report of special commission on budgetary crisis is less strict and critical towards the Finance Ministry as it was in previous versions.

It was anticipated that the report would be extremely critical towards Finance and Tax Revenue Ministries and would decrease ex-Finance Minister Zurab Nogaideli’s chances to be re-appointed on the post.

Changes in the report were made after the special commission meeting with President Shevardnadze on November 26. Eduard Shevardnadze suggested that the document should not be about the responsibility of particular persons and ministers.

The Parliament initiates discussion on Zurab Nogaideli’s candidature on the post of the Finance Minister on November 28. Part of the MPs believe that the report will not change the parliamentarians’ attitude towards the ex-Minister, while others are sure that the report will increase Nogaideli’s chances to be re-appointed. 

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