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Consent on Local Self-Governance Elections Could Not be Reached Again

On July 11, committee hearings on local self-governance elections were held in the Parliament. The Opposition and President’s Regional Management Service could not agree on the issue of second level elections (governors and mayors). After the consultations of July 10, Head of President’s Regional Management Service Badri Khatidze and the Parliamentary Opposition did agree, that all city mayors would be elected by sakrebulos among their own [sakrebulo’s] members. This was a compromise was between the demand of the President to appoint mayors and demand of voters to elect governors and mayors through direct ballots.

It is evident that President is strictly against the decision of July 10 consultations and therefore President’s Regional Management Service radically change its position on July 11th and continued to demand that mayors should be elected by President from the members of sakrebulos. As Chairman of Parliament’ Committee for Local Self-Governance and Regional Policy Roman Kusiani has told to “Civil Georgia” correspondent, consultations between the Opposition and the State Chancellery will continue.

Faction “Traditionalist” (opposition) did not participate in the consultations again, since the issue of territorial-administrative division of the country was not included into agenda.

Extraordinary session of the Parliament, during which the bill should be voted, is likely to be held on July 17th. Thus the Opposition and the Regional Management Service have to reach an agreement within this week.


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