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“There are Signs of ‘Arrangements’ Between Certain Factions and State Chancellery”

With the initiative Parliament’s opposition faction “Traditionalist” signatures of 60 opposition members were collected to address President Shevardnadze. Members of the Parliamentary Minority demand special session on the violation of 1999 OSCE Istanbul Summit agreement by Russia. “It is necessary that Georgian Government loudly demands an immediate withdrawal of Gudauta and Akhalkalaki bases. The Government left this problem for solution to the West, which is nothing but unscrupulousness. Liquidation of the bases is the only thing that Shevardnadze’ government could be proud of in the future” stated Chairman of faction “Traditionalist” Akaki Asatiani at the press conference in the Parliament.

Asatiani also touched the consultations between the Parliamentary Opposition and President’s Regional Management Service on local self-governance elections (faction “Traditionalist” is not participating in these consultations because the issue of territorial-administrative division of the country is not on the agenda despite the faction’s requests). Asatiani stated, that even though his faction will remain within the united opposition, it would refuse to cooperate with those opposition factions, which could to the appointment of mayors by President from the members of sakrebulos. This is the model, spported by the President’s Regional Management Service.

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