Saakashvili: Territorial Integrity is Top Priority
Mikheil Saakashvili, the presidential candidate who is most likely to win the January 4 elections, said at his party National Movement?s assembly today, ?restoration of Georgia?s territorial integrity will be my top priority.?
He said that Georgia is ready ?to forget Russia?s negative role in conflicts in Abkhazia and Tskhinvali region [South Ossetia].? ?But only in case Russia will understand that Georgia is not its slave any more,? Saakashvili added.
He also said that the January 4 presidential elections would be held despite some politicians? ?efforts to obstruct elections.?
?Some people say if we do not postpone elections [as Adjarian leader Aslan Abashidze demands] Adjara will not participate in elections. I will not let anyone to blackmail me,? Saakashvili said, while addressing thousands of supporters gathered in the Sport Palace in Tbilisi.
He said Aslan Abashidze is a feudal-type ruler and dictator. ?Nothing and no one will shatter civil accord in Georgia any more,? he added.
?We are creating a new system. We won [in the velvet revolution] in order to improve situation in the country. We are not going to replace one corrupted clan with another,? Saakashvili said.
?I advise those who try to undermine situation in the country in order to obstruct presidential elections: don?t even try,? the leader of the National Movement party said.
State Minister Zurab Zhvania also addressed the assembly and said that the revolution is not over yet.
?We will win, when Saakashvili is elected as President, we will win, when we keep our promises to our voters,? Zurab Zhvania, the State Minister said.