Two Georgian Citizens Released by Russian Occupation Forces

Two Georgian citizens, Dito Korinteli and Giorgi Meladze, who were illegally detained by Russian occupation forces in the occupied territory near the Adzvi village of the Gori municipality (in the vicinity of Tskhinvali occupation line), have been released and are now safe in the Tbilisi-controlled territory, the State Security Service of Georgia reported on March 14.

On December 8, the so called security committee [also known as the KGB] of the Russia-occupied Tskhinvali region said it initiated “criminal cases” against Meladze and Korinteli for “deliberate” and “illegal crossing of the state border” on November 24, 2023. In total three Georgian citizens were detained, with the one released later in December 2023 .

According to the SSSG, the central Government of Georgia “firmly raised the issue” within the frameworks of the Geneva International Discussions (GID) and the Incident Prevention and Response Mechanism (IPRM).

The SSSG noted that the emergency hotline and “all relevant instruments at the disposal of the central government” were activated to secure the release of Korinteli and Meladze.

“The central government, together with international partners, continues to work actively for the release of all Georgian citizens illegally detained in the occupied territories,” the SSSG said, adding that “the responsibility for all destructive acts committed in the occupied territories of Georgia, as well as along the occupation line, rests with the occupying power.”

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