US Senators Express Concern Over Russia-Inspired Draft Law on “Foreign Agents”

US Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Dick Durbin have expressed concern over a Russia-inspired law on “foreign agents” endorsed by the ruling majority, warning that it could lead to the suppression of civil society and free media in the country.

Jeanne Shaheen criticized the bill, saying that it does not resemble the American Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) but rather the Russian version of the law. She warned that if passed, the legislation could have the same chilling effect on civil society and the media as it has had in Russia.

Senator Durbin stated that Georgia must address several serious issues on its path toward EU and NATO membership. According to him, “It has some serious issues to resolve on that path – and a few potentially self-inflicted setbacks to avoid, such as a proposed reckless NGO law.” He emphasized that such a step would be a backward move for a nation aspiring to freedom and expressed hope that Georgia will overcome any issues it faces in a way that ensures a better and more secure future for its people.

Senators Shaheen and Durbin visited Georgia in late February, where they met with the country’s leaders, civil society representatives, media, and business leaders to discuss issues affecting the region.

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