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2017 FDI USD 1.86 bln – Preliminary Data

FDI in Georgia in 2013-2017 in million USD. Source: Geostat

Georgia’s foreign direct investment in 2017 stood at USD 1.86 billion, a 16.2% increase compared to previous year, according to the preliminary figures released by the state statistics office, Geostat, on March 12.

Geostat also reported that the FDI figure increased by 89.1% in the fourth quarter of 2017, and amounted to USD 497.4 million.

Transport and communications received the largest share of FDI in 2017 – USD 527.1 million, followed by the financial sector – USD 304.3 million; construction sector – USD 294.6 million; energy sector – USD 188.6 million; real estate – USD 159.8 million; hotels and restaurants – USD 90 million; manufacturing – USD 74.7 million; mining – USD 54 million; agriculture, fishing – USD 3.6 million; healthcare sector – USD 3.3 million; other sectors – USD 162 million.

Most of the FDI in 2017 came from Azerbaijan – USD 482.1 million, followed by Turkey with USD 279 million. USD 250.4 million and USD 224.3 million came from companies registered in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands, respectively, followed by the Czech Republic – USD 133.8 million; the United States – USD 74.4 million; the United Arab Emirates – USD 62.7 million; Panama – USD 54 million, and China – USD 51.9 million.

The FDI figures for 2017 will be revised when Geostat releases its final data in August.


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