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Kokoity: Tbilisi not Capable of Constructive Talks

Tbilisi is “incapable” of having constructive dialog with South Ossetia and Abkhazia, Eduard Kokoity, the South Ossetian secessionist leader, has said.

In comments posted on the South Ossetian Press and Information website on March 17, Kokoity said that President Saakashvili’s statement that Georgia would not sign a treaty on the non-use of force demonstrated Tbilisi’s desire “to destabilize the situation” in the conflict zones.

“By always looking for pretexts to start a military conflict, Tbilisi is trying to distract public attention from domestic problems,” he said.

Speaking at a military base in Gori on March 15 President Saakashvili said: “We are told to sign a new agreement on the non-use of our armed forces – Georgia is a peaceful country and we have many times said that we want to settle all the conflicts only peacefully – but with whom should we sign this agreement?” He then recalled several ceasefire agreements signed during the armed conflict in the early 90s in Abkhazia. He said they had been signed by “traitor” Georgian politicians and had led to the withdrawal of Georgian armaments from the conflict area and eventually to the loss of Abkhazia.

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