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Abashidze to Disband Adjarian Security Ministry

Adjarian leader Aslan Abashidze proposed local legislative body to disband Adjara’s Security Ministry, Adjara TV run by the Autonomy’s leadership reported on April 22.

President Saakashvili demanded from Abashidze last month to abolish Adjarian Security Ministry; however Adjarian leader defied Saakashvili’s demand. Tbilisi claims that the existence of autonomous security forces runs contrary to the Georgian constitution.

According to the Abashidze’s proposal special centers to fight terrorism and drug trafficking will be set up.

“These centers will be created on the bases of the Security Ministry. Actually the Ministry will be divided into two parts – one will be in charge for fighting against terrorism and another will deal with drug trafficking,” Aslan Abashidze said on April 22, while addressing Adjarian Supreme Council, which is local legislative body.

“Nothing changes. He [Abashidze] just renamed the Security Ministry,” newly elected member of the Georgian Parliament Davit Berdzenishvili said.


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