Georgia Misses the UN Deadline for Submitting Terrorism Report
The United Nations Security Council announced on November 5 Georgia is among the 58 countries that have failed to meet a deadline for submitting reports on how they would tackle terrorism.
The Council released a letter from the Chairman of its Counter-terrorism Committee (CTC), Ambassador Inocencio F. Arias of Spain, which listed the countries that did not meet the 31 October deadline to submit outstanding second and third reports.
Ambassador Arias said in the letter to the Council President that the Committee would continue to contact the countries named and still believed that submitting reports on time was the best way to determine whether countries needed any help in tackling terrorism.
The CTC was set up in 2001, following the 11 September terrorist attacks in the United States. Security Council resolution, which passed in January this year, stressed the obligation of Member States to report to the CTC according to its timetable.