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U.S. Embassy Concerned over Election Fraud

The U.S. Embassy to Georgia raises concern over the Central Election Commission’s delay in providing a full and accurate vote count.

“The United States continues to monitor developments in Georgia’s electoral process closely. Timely, transparent and accurate tabulation and reporting of the vote count is essential to maintaining the credibility of Georgia’s Parliamentary election and to restoring voter confidence. The disagreement and fraud of Georgia’s November 2 parliamentary election deprived many Georgian citizens of their constitutional right to vote,” the news release issued by the U.S. Embassy on November 5 reads.

The U.S. Embassy called on the Central Election Commission to do everything possible to correct elections day errors now, during tabulation of votes, by throwing out most egregious cases of fraud.

Ambassador Miles plans to meet with President Shevardnadze today to discuss U.S. concerns and to urge him to take all steps necessary to restore voter confidence to this process.

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