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“Resist Blood Money”

Citizens against Georgia supporting US in Bombing Iraq

On March 6, 2003 a group of leading civil activists, popular artists and pacifists arranged a protest meeting at April 9 Square. Participants called on the US to find a peaceful solution to the Iraqi crisis. They also asked government of Georgia not to support the US in this war. Participants declared anti-war rally was against killing innocent victims.
The meeting was planned to take place in front of the Parliament, however the state service guards and police did not sanction the meeting there. Yet, the organizers moved to the April 9 Square to express their protest.

This anti-war rally is part of the worldwide anti-war protests. The participants demand that the US and its allies find a peaceful solution to the current crisis.

Organizers of the anti-war meeting stated this action was against US possible war with Iraq, although “this should not be understood as we are Saddam Hussein’s supporters and fans” –one of the coordinators of the rally, Irakli Kakabadze said. “On the contrary, we consider Iraqi policy is not fair to many of its citizens; but still we are against war as such”-Kakabadze said.

The participants also expressed their dissatisfaction with official Tbilisi statement saying Georgia will support US in case of war on Iraq. President Shevardnadze backed US in a possible war, saying the United States is Georgia’s friend and partner. The posters, brought by protesters, read President of Georgia had to resist a temptation of being bribed into killing women and children.

Organizers of the meeting read a part from the statement of the Patriarch of the Georgian Orthodox Church, which condemns the war in Iraq and calls the nations all over the world to pray for peace and harmony.

Anti-war spirit of the meeting was more powered by anti-war songs and lyrics by the pop stars and popular poets of Georgia.  

At the end of the meeting organizers together with singers and participants of the event sang John Lennon’s hit “Give Peace a Chance”.

By Julie Giorgadze, CAP Information Officer

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