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May 26 Rally in Pictures

May 26 Rally

May 6 Confrontation at Police Headquarters in Pictures

May 6 Confrontation at Police Headquarters in Pictures

A Man Behind ‘Town of Cells’

A Man Behind ‘Town of Cells’

Opposition Leaders

Opposition Leaders

Photos: Rallies in Tbilisi

Rallies in Tbilisi

In Lead Up to Planned April Rallies

In Lead Up to April Rallies

IDPs in Gori

IDPs in Gori

‘Live Chain’ in Tbilisi

‘Live Chain’ in Tbilisi

Burial of Unknown Soldiers

Burial of Unknown Soldiers

Russian Roadblock at Igoeti

Russian Roadblock at Igoeti

Gori and some other conflict-affected areas

Gori and some other conflict-affected areas

Blown Up Bridge at Kaspi

‘Tent Town’ for IDPs

‘Tent Town’ for IDPs

Russian Troops in Poti

Gori After Air Strikes

Rally in Tbilisi

June 7 in Pictures

New Parliament and Rally

Photos: Independence Day, Protest Rally

Independence Day, Protest Rally

After Elections

After Elections

Election Campaign in Pictures

Election Campaign

Week in Pictures – April 21-27, 2008

Opposition Protests in Pictures

Tbilisi Unrests in Pictures

Protest Rallies in Pictures

November 2 Protest Rally in Pictures

In Pictures – Before ‘Velvet Revolution’ November 22-23

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