Lithuanian Parliament Adopts Resolution Calling on Georgian Gov’t to Withdraw Agents’ Law

On May 22, the Lithuanian Seimas adopted a resolution calling on the Georgian government to withdraw the law on Foreign Agents, which it stresses is incompatible with European values and democratic principles, and urging the EU institutions to consider the possibility of response measures against the government if the President’s veto is overridden.

The Parliament’s resolution expresses “deep concern” about the Law on Transparency of Foreign Influence, stating that it is “essentially equivalent to the Russian Federation’s ‘Foreign Agents Law’ and is incompatible with European values and democratic principles“. The resolution calls on the Parliament of Georgia “to withdraw the adopted law “on transparency of foreign influence”, to ensure freedom of association and freedom of expression, to foster the country’s civil society, to engage in dialogue with it, and to uphold the constitutional commitment of further pursuing integration into the EU and NATO and continuing necessary reforms.”

The Seimas resolution also:

The Lithuanian Parliament reaffirms its support for Georgia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, welcomes Georgia’s Euro-Atlantic aspirations, as well as its determination to defend democracy, the rule of law, citizens’ rights and freedoms, “despite the launch of a campaign of defamation, intimidation and use of force”, supporting international statements condemning the violence.

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