110th IPRM Meeting Held in Ergneti

The 110th Incident Prevention and Response Mechanisms (IPRMs) meeting took place on January 17 in Ergneti village, near the occupation line of Tskhinvali Region/South Ossetia.

Statement by EUMM

Dr. Tibor Kozma and Ambassador Viorel Moşanu, co-facilitating the meeting on behalf of the EU Monitoring Mission (EUMM) and the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), commended the commitment of the participants to the IPRM and welcomed the temporary opening of two crossing points along the South Ossetian Administrative Boundary Line (ABL) in late December. The co-facilitators, however, expressed their regrets that a similar approach was not applied during the Orthodox Christmas period. They reiterated their calls for the full re-opening of crossing points for regular cross-ABL traffic that would allow the conflict-affected populations to live more safely as well as better secure their livelihoods.

Dr. Kozma and Ambassador Moşanu also voiced their concern about the continuously high number of active detention cases, advocating for their immediate release.

IPRM participants discussed recent emergency evacuations, as well as issues that impact the security situation and livelihoods of the conflict-affected population, including continued ‘borderisation’ activities.

Statement by State Security Service

The State Security Service of Georgia (SSG) said that the participants discussed all “important incidents” that took place in the occupied region and across the dividing line following the previous meeting.

It also noted that the Georgian side again demanded “unconditional and immediate” release of Georgian citizens arbitrarily detained by Russian occupying forces.

The participants also discussed the issues related to “borderization” and restrictions on freedom of movement. “A discussion was held regarding the existing practice of movement through the crossing points,” the SSG said.

Statement by Tskhinvali representative

Moscow-backed Tskhinvali representative Igor Kochiev said after the meeting that the South Ossetian agenda again focused on the presence of the Georgian police post in the Chorchana-Tsnelisi area.

“We know that 12-15 armed police officers are deployed at this post, and they pose a threat,” Kochiev noted, adding that they frighten the population.

Kochiev also stated that the issues related to “the violation of the state border between South Ossetia and Georgia, smuggling and flights by unmanned aerial vehicles” were discussed at the meeting.

The participants agreed to convene the next IPRM on 2 March 2023 and a technical meeting on water irrigation issues on 3 March 2023.

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