Tskhinvali Can Always Count on Moscow, Russian Official Says

Russian Deputy Economy Minister Dmitry Volvach said the authorities in Tskhinvali Region/South Ossetia “can always count” on Moscow, in a statement on May 24 as the new leader of the occupied region Alan Gagloev took office.

Deputy Minister Volvach, part of Russia’s delegation to Gagloev’s inauguration in Tskhinvali, stressed that since Russia recognized it as independent, the region “has actively supported the course towards close and mutually beneficial cooperation between our countries.”

In this context, Volvach particularly highlighted that Tskhinvali has supported Russia “during the unprecedented sanctions pressure.”

The official claimed that as a result of Russian assistance meanwhile, the standard of living, including access to medical care and education has improved in the region over the years.

Still, the Deputy Economy Minister said that “more needs to be done” in the future.

Listing off the “ambitious tasks” lying ahead, the Russian official said Tskhinvali needs to attract investments, grow its economy, develop its infrastructure and improve the welfare of its residents.

In this context, Deputy Minister highlighted the importance “alliance and integration treaty” signed between Moscow and Tskhinvali in 2015 and the Russian-funded 2022-2025 socio-economic development program for the region.

The 2022-2025 plan envisages developing social infrastructure facilities, schools, kindergartens, hospitals, and road transport facilities, the Russian official said.

He also stressed the need to further integrate the occupied region with Russia. To this end, he stressed the importance of the recently ratified dual citizenship deal and added that Tskhinvali and Moscow look to further “harmonize” the common space.

Noteworthy, earlier this year, Deputy Minister Volvach had argued that Moscow wanted both Abkhazia and Tskhinvali Region to be less dependent on Russia’s finances.

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