2020 FDI in Georgia USD 616.9 Mln, Down by 52.9%

Foreign direct investments (FDI) in Georgia stood at USD 616.9 million in 2020, a 52.9% decrease from the previous year, according to the preliminary data released by the National Statistics Office of Georgia (Geostat) on March 11.

Geostat said the key driver of the decline was the transfer of several companies from non-residents to residents, reducing the value of FDI by USD 340.5 million.

The amount of FDI in the fourth quarter came in at USD -102.8 million due to the same reason, Geostat added.

In 2020, the largest amount of FDI came from the United Kingdom – USD 307.8 million, followed by the Netherlands – USD 172.1 million and Turkey – USD 108.1 million.

The rest of the large foreign investor countries were the U.S. with USD 93.3 million, followed by Malta – USD 27.6 million; Luxembourg – USD 26.5 million; Russia – USD 25.5 million; Germany – USD 23.7 million; Denmark – USD 22.0 million; other countries – USD 19.5 million. FDI from Panama was negative, at USD -209.3 million.

The financial sector received the largest share of FDI – USD 400.3 million, followed by mining – USD 101.5 million; real estate – USD 71.8 million; manufacturing – USD 68.1 million; construction – USD 62.2 million; communications –  USD 48.0 million; transports – USD 12.5 million; health and social work – USD 10.2 million; agriculture, fishing –  USD 8.9 million; energy sector – USD 5.8 million; other sectors – USD 48.9 million; Investments in hotels and restaurants posted negative, at USD -221.5 million.

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