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President’s Briefing. Monday, October 8, 2001.

“Nothing Special is Happening in Abkhazia”

On October 8th briefing, President Shevardnadze made particular emphasize on the situation in Abkhazia and his official visit to the United States.

President stated that “there is nothing special happening in Abkhazia” and if there are any clashes, these are nothing but provocations against Georgia. Shevardnadze said that there are not any facts to prove Russia’s involvement in these provocations. During the briefing, information about downing of UN Mission’s helicopter near Amtkeli village has been spread. Shevardnadze did not make any comment on this fact, saying that he knew about the accident from the journalists during the briefing.

President stated, that he hold a meeting with ‘power’ structures on the Abkhazian issues. He said, that the government is doing everything to avoid reoccurrence of developments similar to Gali events in 1998, when Abkhazians forced out Georgian population. Kodori gorge currently faces same threat.

“Georgia-USA Relations Approach Strategic Partnership”

Eduard Shevardnadze stated that relations between Georgia and the United States are approaching the level of strategic partnership. “American Government is interested in having relations with the strong state in the South Caucasus” says President. United State’s aid to Georgia is an effect of such interest (on October 7th Georgian Defense Ministry received another 6 military helicopters from the US government).

Two presidents paid particular attention to the issues such as guarantees of independence of Georgian state and security of the East-West transport corridor.

President Shevardnadze confirmed that Georgia is ready to provide any necessary assistance to the United States in antiterrorist operations. On October 7th Shevardnadze declared full support to the retaliatory strikes by antiterrorist coalition.

Georgia is not Considering Withdrawal from CIS

On October 8th briefing, President Shevardnadze made one interesting statement. After Shevardnadze’s speech at Harvard University on October 3rd, sources distributed information saying that Shevardnadze talked about possibility of Georgia’s withdrawal from the Commonwealth of the Independent States. At Monday’s briefing Shevardnadze denied such information, pledging that he never said anything like that at Harvard.

“There Are No Narcotics Factories in Pankisi”

During the briefing President tackled Pankisi issue as well. He stated that special meeting of the power structures on October 7th has elaborated plan of measures to avoid further complications of the situation in Pankisi valley. “Narcotics are not being produced in the valley. Narcotics are being brought into Pankisi from ‘outside’. Power ministries are doing everything possible to regulate the situation,” said Shevardnadze.

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