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Draft Law on TV Broadcasting Discussed in Parliament

A group of MPs and representatives from non-governmental sector and mass media discussed today a draft law on TV broadcasting in the Parliament of Georgia. The meeting was initiated by Parliamentary Chairperson Nino Burjanadze.  


The work over the draft law started several years ago, however its several provisions are still a matter of dispute. As Nino Burjanadze said, “since the draft law triggered severe discussions at the parliamentary bureau, we decided not to put the document on the agenda of a plenary session.”


The issues of creation of public television, its financing, licensing of televisions and possession of TV power have become most disputable. 


The status of the TV power is a matter of dispute. Presently the TV power is state-owned, however under the draft law, it should be transferred to public television. However, opponents claim that the tower should be a separate, independent subject.
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