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Government Briefs MPs over Conflict Zones

At a hearing of a joint session of the Parliamentary Committees on Foreign Relations and Defense and Security, the government members briefed MPs over the current situation in the South Ossetian and Abkhazian conflicts on December 1.

The Deputy Foreign and Defense Ministers, State Minister for Conflict Resolution Issues Giorgi Khaindrava, as well as the Georgian President?s Representative for Abkhaz conflict issues Irakli Alasania, who also chairs the Tbilisi-based Abkhaz government-in-exile, attend the session.

Tbilisi?s peace plan over the resolution of the South Ossetian conflict and the process of implementing this plan will also be discussed at the session.

This hearing with the governmental officials was envisaged by a resolution adopted by the Georgian Parliament on October 11, which sets a performance deadline to the Russian peacekeepers stationed in the conflict zone.

This resolution instructed the government to submit a detailed roadmap for implementation of Tbilisi?s peace plan over South Ossetia by December, 2005.

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