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U.S. Presses Georgia to Resolve Disputed Elections

Deputy spokesman of the U.S. Department of State said a news briefing on November 18, “we continue to press the Georgian Government to resolve this election in a responsible and credible way.” 

“Deputy Assistant Secretary for European Affairs Lynn Pascoe met today [November 18] in Tbilisi with Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze, as well as with opposition leaders. His meetings will continue tomorrow [on November 19],” Adam Ereli, U.S. Department of State deputy spokesman said.

The U.S. official said that the purpose of Lynn Pascoe’s travel to Georgia was “to raise these issues at a senior level, by a senior official.”

“Ambassador Pasco is urging all parties to resolve problems related to finalizing this election for the good of Georgia. We expect the Georgian Government to announce final election results this Thursday, November 20th, which is the deadline for doing so in Georgia’s election code,” he added.

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