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Shevardnadze to Meet Opposition Leaders

Early this morning, President Shevardnadze unexpectedly appeared among the protesters in front of the Parliamentary building and tried to talk with the crowd demanding Shevardnadze’s resignation.

However the protesters met the President with chanting: “Go, Resign.”

Nino Burjanadze, the Parliamentary Chairperson and the opposition leader, who was among the protesters held a short conversation with the President, after which Shevardnadze left the area.

“We agreed that the opposition leaders, including Zurab Zhvania and Mikheil Saakashvili will meet the President to deliver our demands,” Nino Burjanadze said.

Shevardnadze was already in the car and leaving the area, when Mikheil Saakashvili tried to talk with him, however the President’s bodyguards hindered Saakashvili. The official media reported Saakashvili attempted to hinder movement of the presidential convoy.

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