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ISFED Urges CEC to Prevent Ballot Fraud

The International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) calls on the Central Election Commission (CEC) to prove its good will in preventing any further abuses of the election process and to refuse confirming the fraudulent results.

“The government failed to properly administer the parliamentary elections of November 2. Inaccuracies in the voter lists, which were repeatedly highlighted in the pre-election statements made by Fair Elections, became glaringly evident on election day. The inaccuracies in the lists compiled by the Georgian government, and the resulting chaos surrounding them, led to the unconstitutional disenfranchisement of a significant number of voters”, the statement issued by ISFED on November 4 reads.

ISFED believes that what happened during the elections should not be excused as the administration’s ineffectiveness, where it was in fact a purposeful obstruction of the voters’ will.

Fair Elections observers collected data they say is sufficient to declare that the officially reported turnout has been inflated and protocols were forged. This was especially evident in Ajara and Kvemo Kartli.

ISFED will release a detailed report on observed violations and irregularities as soon as the final data received from the observers has been sorted and analyzed.

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