Papuashvili Speaks to Media Ahead of Second Working Meeting on Nine Conditions

On February 16, prior to the second working meeting of the opposition, the representative of the EaP Civil Society Platform, and the ruling party on the European Commission’s nine conditions Speaker of the Georgian Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili spoke to journalists. He answered questions related to the planned meting, President’s Salome Zurabishvili’s visit to the Munich Security Conference, the implementation of the conclusions of the Venice Commission, and the opposition.

Papuashvili highlighted three key topics to be discussed at the meeting: revising norms for the Special Investigation Service and the Personal Data Protection Service in line with Venice Commission recommendations, addressing issues concerning the Anti-Corruption Bureau, and reviewing legislation pertaining to common courts. He also mentioned that representatives from these agencies were invited to join the discussions.

The opposition proposed that the selection procedure for the Head of the Anti-Corruption Bureau be changed during the meeting, so that the Head is appointed by a decision of the Parliament, instead of being chosen directly by the Prime Minister. Papuashvili said that the selection procedure didn’t matter and that it didn’t mean that the person chosen would not be independent.

Venice Commission Recommendations

Speaking to journalists about taking into account the conclusions of the Venice Commission while implementing reforms to meet the EU’s nine conditions, Speaker Papuashvili emphasized that the Parliament, the legislative body that “adopts laws in the name of Georgian People”, takes the Commission’s conclusions as “advice” and can decide whether to follow this advice or not.

“I would like to emphasize one thing when we talk about the recommendations of the Venice Commission. The conclusion of the Venice Commission is a recommendation. The Venice Commission is not the second chamber, it is not the legislative body of Georgia… We either follow the recommendations of the Venice Commission, or if we don’t, we explain why. It is not a directive and it is not a dogma, the conclusion of the Venice Commission is always a matter of reasoning,” – stated Papuashvili.

President’s visit to Munich

Asked about his assessment of President Salome Zurabishvili’s planned participation in the Munich Security Conference, Papuashvili said that she “does not consider herself a daughter of this country” and “does not care about a word written in the Constitution”, which is why she does as she pleases.

“To her, [the Constitution] is ordinary pages in a book somewhere on her shelf. Therefore, she opnely declares that the Constitution means nothing to her… the only reason why she maintains this position is the support from the “National Movement” [and]… Regrettably she has patrons and masters abroad, that’s why she manages to go to different places, however she no longer represents Georgia,” – noted the Speaker.

CSO Participation in the Working Meeting

One of the journalists reminded the Speaker about the statement of the EU Ambassador to Georgia, Paweł Herczyński, who called participation of civil society organizations in legislative and decision-making processes “extremely important”. On the question of whether this inclusiveness is fully supported, Papuashvili said that the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Platform is actively participating in the meeting, however without the organizations that “boycotted the Platform” and “chose the path of radicalization and separation”.

“Now it is the responsibility of their donors to bring these NGOs back to the democratic path. Only the donors can bring back to the democratic path the radicalized NGOs that, because of the conflict over the official positions [in the platform], have separated themselves from the platform and the discussions on the nine conditions,” – Papuashvili noted, adding that the donors’ responsibility doesn’t end after they transfer money to certain organizations, it continues over the “anti-democratic” actions of the NGOs they fund.

“I once again call on donors to do everything possible to ensure that NGOs operating with their funding abandon radicalism, return to democratic processes and participate in Georgia’s European future,” – stressed Papuashvili.

Lelo’s Separate Meeting

Papuashvili was also asked about the decision of the opposition party “Lelo” to boycott the working sessions in the Parliament and to hold a separate meeting with the EU Ambassador to Georgia to discuss their own action plan for the implementation of the nine conditions. He stated that “this is not the first time that Lelo boycotts the democratic process in the Parliament” and that European representatives “should not support this radicalization”.

“It is a pity that when “Lelo” boycotts the parliamentary work, the door to the residence of the European Union is open for them… There shouldn’t be salon meetings and discussions with those who support radicalism… We remember that when “Girchi”, “Strategy Agmashenebeli” and “Lelo” left their mandates, they were unfortunately welcomed with enthusiasm in certain offices, which increased radicalism. I am sure that “Lelo” will come out of this meeting even more radicalized, because they will think that radicalism is an acceptable form for Europe and will continue such behavior,” – Papuashvili stated.

Saakashvili, Kezerashvili and GD’s “unquestionable victory” in the elections

Commenting on ex-president Saakashvili, the Speaker of the Parliament emphasized the “foreign meddling” in Georgia’s internal affairs during the “fall of the tyrannical regime”, which didn’t allow proper punishment of the “regime’s leaders”, and that the same is happening today.

He stated: “We see how much energy is spent on Mikheil Saakashvili, with fake articles, fake investigations, fake statements by foreign politicians, and imagine what the situation was like ten years ago, when there was a bigger wave for the foreign patrons of the “National Movement” to avoid the punishment and trial they deserved… Today, instead, the Georgian people are being radicalized again and threatened with the restoration of the same regime”.

Continuing on the theme of “radical opposition” and “foreign interference”, Papuashvili once again pointed to former Defence Minister and a businessman David Kezerashvili‘s influence on the opposition, saying that he is hiding in one of the European countries and controlling the situation from there. He stressed: “I once again call on the countries concerned not to allow criminals, including those who make their living by defrauding European pensioners, to enter their countries. This person [Kezerashvili] is taking refuge in their country. These type of people are using this refuge to control the situation in Georgia.”

The Speaker pointed out that despite the efforts of the opposition, the Georgian Dream Party will be elected as the constitutional majority and will have 113 mandates after the 2024 elections. He noted that the Georgian people will have to choose between “war and peace” – opposition and GD – at the polls and they will make the right choice.

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