State Security Service Arrests Foreign Citizen on Terrorism Charges

The State Security Service of Georgia (SSSG) announced on 6th May that as a result of operations carried out with the participation of the competent bodies involved in the national counter-terrorism system, the activities planned by the terrorist organization “Islamic State” on the territory of various foreign countries were uncovered and a foreign citizen was arrested.

The State Security Service said it had obtained an electronic media device containing satellite images of the strategic facilities in the capitals of the United States and European countries.

“Within the framework of large-scale counter-terrorism measures, persons connected with terrorist organizations, forms and methods of communication, spheres of interest and possible targets of attacks abroad have been identified,”- the Security Service said in its statement, stressing that the information obtained was immediately shared with the international partners and neighboring countries of Georgia, including Turkey.

The State Security Service noted that it is continuing “relentless fight” against international terrorism and that “Georgia remains a reliable partner of the international counterterrorism system.”

“At the same time, we explicitly deny the information disseminated in foreign media about the existence of training bases on the territory of Georgia, where military training for terrorist purposes is carried out”- the State Security Service stressed.

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