CEC: Voter Turnout 31.82% at 15:00

As of 15:00, 664,573 citizens, 31.82% of the total number of voters, have marked their ballots in the municipal elections seven hours after the polling stations were opened, the Central Election Commission (CEC) reported.

The highest voter turnout was recorded in western Oni (49.4%) and Tsageri (45.6%) municipalities. In Tsageri citizens are electing the mayor, while in Oni residents are voting in two majoritarian runoffs for the local council. The lowest voter turnout in the regions was registered in Dusheti (12.6%) and Kaspi (28.6%) municipalities, where voters are electing majoritarian Sakrebulo members only.

In Tbilisi, the key battle of the second round, the highest voter turnout was registered in the Didube district (34.7%), while the lowest turnout was recorded in Isani (27.4%).

In the first round of 2021 Municipal Elections, the 15:00 nationwide voter turnout rate stood at 33.18%, while the final turnout amounted to 51.92%

In the 2017 local polls, the 15:00 nationwide voter turnout rate stood at 29.84%, while in the 2020 parliamentary elections, it hovered around 36.45%.

Polling stations will close at 20:00, immediately followed by vote tabulation.

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