Amb. Degnan “Extremely Disappointed” by the Nomination of Judges, Says Contrary to April 19 Deal

US Ambassador Kelly Degnan took up a media question concerning the controversial appointment of judges by the high council at the event dedicated to the World Refugee Day today.

Ambassador said she was “extremely disappointed” to see the High Council of Justice push through nominations, and stressed that this was “not in the spirit of the April 19th agreement” between the ruling party and the opposition. Highlighting that the US assisted Georgia in judicial reforms for 25 years, she claimed the political deal created “a perfect opportunity” for redressing some of the shortfalls before making new appointments in the judiciary. Four members of the High Council of Justice were also appointed recently, amid criticism.

Since the HJC nominations for nine supreme court judges have to now be approved by the parliament, Ambassador effectively expressed hope that these won’t go through. “If these [appointments] go through again, I think, it will raise questions about the commitment to fulfilling the April 19th Agreement,” said Ambassador Degnan.

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