Leading MEP Calls on Georgian Opposition to Enter New Parliament

Member of European Parliament Marina Kaljurand, Chair of the EP’s Delegation for Relations with the South Caucasus on November 17 called on all Georgian political parties and candidates “to participate in the second round of the elections and take up their mandates in the Parliament in order to honor the democratically expressed will of the Georgian citizens.”

“I strongly believe that this deliberate attempt to impede the proper functioning of an institution vital for democracy is unfortunate,” MEP Kaljurand asserted regarding the opposition boycott of the runoff elections as well as the refusal to enter the new Parliament.

Leading Georgia MEP reiterated the international observers’ assessment of the October 31 parliamentary elections, noting that except for some remaining shortcomings that need to be addressed, the elections were competitive and that “fundamental freedoms, including the freedom of expression, were respected overall.”

MEP Kaljurand underscored that “all substantiated appeals and complaints” must be addressed in accordance with the law and the highest democratic standards.

Welcoming the political dialogue between the ruling Georgian Dream and opposition parties through EU, U.S. Ambassadors’ facilitation, MEP Kaljurand said “I am deeply convinced that Euro-Atlantic cooperation provides a path to stability and I look forward to further cooperating with the newly elected Parliament of Georgia.”

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