Robin Wagener: EU Integration Will not Happen if Agents’ Law is Adopted

On May 2, Robin Wagener, the member of the German Bundestag and Federal Foreign Office’s coordinator for inter-societal cooperation with the South Caucasus, the Republic of Moldova, and Central Asia, issued a statement warning the government that “EU integration will not happen if the Georgian government continues with the adoption of the foreign agent law and the planned discrimination against LGBTIQ+.”

The statement emphasizes that the “authoritarian and anti-EU turn in Georgia” could result in the reconsideration of EU-Georgian and German-Georgian cooperation. Robin Wagener stresses Germany’s wish for Georgia to become an EU member and the significance of upholding European values, stressing that “EU integration, an active civil society, and pluralism would strengthen Georgia as a sovereign state.” He emphasizes that “violence against protesters is unacceptable.”

Condemning any violence against protesters, he warns that the adoption of laws targeting civil liberties and the LGBTQ+ community could hinder Georgia’s EU aspirations, stating unequivocally: “With this course, there won’t be EU membership – neither in 2030 nor later.” The statement concludes by urging both the Georgian government and its citizens to carefully consider the ramifications of their actions on Georgia’s future in the EU.

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