New Head of EUMM Appointed

Major General Bettina Boughani has been appointed as the new Head of the European Union Monitoring Mission (EUMM) in Georgia, the Council of the European Union announced on March 26. She will serve from March 21, 2024 to December 14, 2024, succeeding Dimitrios Karabalis.

Major General Bettina Boughani is an officer of the French National Gendarmerie. She has held various senior positions within the United Nations, the French Gendarmerie and the Ministry of the Interior. Most recently, as Police Commissioner of MINUSMA (United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali), she was involved in conflict prevention, mediation and peacekeeping in sensitive political and security contexts.

EUMM Georgia is a civilian monitoring mission consisting of over 200 monitors from the EU member states. It has been operating in Georgia since October 2008 following the EU-mediated Six Point cease-fire Agreement of 12 August 2008. 

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